System Booster
System Booster.iso
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71 lines
Version 1.1 by John Fieber
05 Feb 1993
v1.1 05 Feb 1993 fixed a tiny "sanity check" bug
v1.0 31 Jan 1993 first polished version
v0.9 16 Dec 1992 first quick-and-dirty version
1. What is AKeySwap
The two `Amiga' keys to the left and right of the spacebar serve
different functions in the Amiga system. The right key is used for
menu shortcuts while the left is reserved for system use, such as
flipping through screens.
The menu shortcut key is the most frequently used by most people but
some find it awkward to use. AKeySwap swaps the the left and right
Amiga key functions so you can use the left Amiga key as the menu
shortcut key. Correspondingly, the right Amiga key becomes the
system key.
2. Installation and Use
Because AKeySwap is a commodity, you need at least version 2.04 of
the operating system.
Using AKeySwap is trivial. Just double click on the icon. For
`permanent' installation, drop it in your WBStartup drawer. Be sure
that the DONOTWAIT tooltype is present. Alternately, you may run it
from a shell or your User-Startup. It runs as a background task so
there is no need to "RUN >NIL: <NIL" it.
For optimal results, AKeySwap should be one of the very first
programs in the input event chain and thus the default CX_PRIORITY is
100. If you need to adjust this, you may put "CX_PRIORITY=<value>" in
the icon tooltypes or specify it on the command line.
As with all commodities, you can activate, deactivate or remove
AKeySwap by using the Exchange program supplied by Commodore. You
can also remove AKeySwap by running it a second time or sending a
Control-C break to its process.
3. Credits and Comments
This program was written at the suggestion of David Salamon.
Please feel free to distribute and modify this under the following
· The source code, documentation and executable must be distributed
· Any changes to the source, documentation or executable must be
documented with what was change and who performed the change.
· Do make an attempt to contact me about the change. See below.
Send comments suggestions to:
or for postal users:
John Fieber
14 Conz
Northampton MA 01060-3861